Lil Baby and J.I.D came to the Whit, but some people got escorted out by the police. If you were one of them, be sure to handle this situation carefully. Anytime police utilize arrest procedures (handcuffs, mug shot, maybe fingerprints, hold at the county jail for protective custody, bail conditions set by a bail commissioner) the world will look at this as an “arrest record”.
When you are applying for jobs employers will ask you about police contacts of all kinds. If the information shows up in a private background check the potential employer is not going to be impressed when you tell them “hey, it was no big deal.” So, a simple “Unlawful possession of Alcohol” or “Unlawful Intoxication” even though it is only a violation level offense can have a big impact. This particular violation carries a potential penalty of a fine AND a possible license suspension of up to one year. It sounds crazy because you weren’t driving or even in a car when it happened, but it is true. On top of that, even if you don’t get a license suspension it can end up on your driving record. For UNH students with license from states with mandatory insurance (Mass, CT, NJ…) this can trigger all kinds of headaches. However, I can assist you in avoiding a motor vehicle record and advise you as to how to get rid of the arrest record.
(And, if you were in a car and get a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) (saw a couple of those on the recent arrest logs for Durham) be sure to see me right away. There are potential consequences that happen within the first 30 days after arrest that can have a big impact on your case and potentially how long-or short-a possible license suspension might be.)
Lastly, anyone charged with possession of a fake identification (also called “License Prohibitions”) be advised this is generally charged as a misdemeanor; which means it is a criminal offense and you should definitely consult with an experienced attorney like me.
Two words of warning…First,UNH checks the police logs and uses it to start a disciplinary process: 3 Strikes, scholarships, and study abroad can all be affected. Second, no matter what happens after an arrest you must PETITION FOR AN ANNULMENT as soon as you are eligible to get it removed from the public record.
Let me help with these two things and help you get through this. I have been representing UNH students for over 20 years.
My office is 9 Madbury Road, right in downtown. Call or text me for an appointment: 603-312-2465.