Conveniently located walking distance from campus
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(603) 312-2465
9 Madbury Rd. Suite 101, Durham, NH
Attorney Joanne M. Stella has extensive courtroom experience. In the last 5 years alone she has tried and won 50 cases! That's 50 cases with a not guilty or dismissed verdict. She has represented over 9,000 UNH students and litigated thousands of cases in her vast 25 years’ experience.
Possession of Fake ID's
Criminal Defense Attorney Joanne M. Stella has represented thousands of college age and UNH students charged with possessing a fake ID. It is illegal in NH to use a fake ID to purchase alcohol, to attempt to purchase alcohol and even to simply possess the fake. (There are several different laws you can be charged under, such as “License Prohibitions” , “Attempt to Purchase Alcohol”, or “Manufacture, Sale or Possession of False Identification.
In the town of Durham the New Hampshire Liquor Law Enforcement Officers are often working undercover at the door to bars that sell alcohol. Anyone showing a fake ID to the bouncer at the door has it quickly handed to the law enforcement officer and often finds themselves arrested or given a hand summons to appear in court for a misdemeanor criminal charge. (A hand summons means they chose not to process you at the police station, however you still have to go to court and are given the notice in hand.) The local police also often stop vehicles where one person went into a store to purchase while someone else who they suspect is under 21 waits in the car. In this scenario often the diver and the purchaser find themselves charged. The local Durham and UNH Police often charge people with possessing a fake ID for simply having it in their wallet when they find it during a custodial search after arrest. The police are very familiar with the on-line providers of fake ID’s such as ID Chief and can usually detect a fake quickly.
When being detained by the police if you give false information as to your name or date of birth you may find yourself charged with a crime titled “False Information to Police”. Also, if you attempt to purchase alcohol without a fake ID, but by simply verbally claiming you are 21 you can be charged with “Attempt to Purchase to Alcohol”.
A conviction for any of these offense can have serious implications for future employment as they are often considered fraud offenses. In other words, an employer may interpret these offenses as having a deceitful purpose and that therefore the job applicant is untrustworthy.
Criminal Defense Attorney Joanne M. Stella has extensive knowledge about how criminal records are kept in New Hampshire and at the federal and local level. It is important to understand where arrest and conviction records are stored and who can access them before making a decision about how to resolve your criminal charges. Many defendants make the mistake of assuming that if a criminal charge (such as a class A or B misdemeanor) is reduced to a violation level offense that there will not be a record of the conviction. Often the prosecutor or police officer who arrested them is the one providing that information. However, the reduction of the charge to a violation simply makes it a non-criminal offense, but it does not remove it from publicly accessible records. Criminal Defense Attorney Joanne M. Stella will make sure that every effort is made to keep charges off the criminal record and to clear charges from public records at the first opportunity to do so.
Anytime you are charged with an offense by the police you must carefully consider the long-term consequences. Going to court without a lawyer and without anyone to give you clear, accurate legal advice as to all the implications can be a huge mistake. Criminal Defense Attorney Joanne M. Stella is always here to help: call now for a free consultation.